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West Knoxville Boardroom Installation

A company's boardroom is a crucial component in any office. It gives clients a first impression of your establishment and serves as a common area for ideas and innovation to flow. If a company has an outdated boardroom, their capabilities become seriously limited. Every office deserves a great boardroom and our most recent client was no exception.

A Knoxville medical consulting firm contacted us a few months back for a boardroom and conference room overhaul. Their current boardroom featured no technology or any design features to enhance the space. Their biggest concern was video conferencing with clients across the country or even the world. We stepped in to provide the technology for their main boardroom as well as a smaller conference room.

The clients wanted the larger boardroom to function as the main space for meetings and training with clients. They needed multiple screens, a video conferencing system, cameras, speakers, and devices to easily control the system. For the screens we chose two 80-inch Sharp Quatron LED TVs. Underneath one of the TVs, we mounted a 5 megapixel camera for video conferencing. Above the conference table, we mounted an HD camera to provide another angle during presentations and video conferences.  Omnidirectional microphones were installed to easily pick up sound in the room and high quality speakers worked to enhance presentation audio.

Two in-table boxes provide multimedia inputs and also a charging station. Controlling the entire system with ease was crucial for our clients. For the main control pad we used an iPad mini with a backup wall-mounted LCD touch keypad. These options allow complete control over presentations without an overabundance of controls and buttons.

For the smaller conference room that is mainly used for small staff meetings and training, we used a similar setup. For the TV, we chose a 55-inch LED. Because the space is much smaller, we really didn't need to go any bigger than that. We used the same speakers as the main boardroom to provide quality audio. To control the system, we used a user-friendly in-wall keypad. This serves as mission control for the entire room. Another great feature about the overhaul of both rooms is the remote connectivity feature and ability to remotely power cycle problem devices which in turn can prevent future service calls.

With the new setup, our clients have been able to achieve so much more during meetings and wow current or potential clients. A company's boardroom is a direct reflection of the business so it is important to make sure your space is updated to accommodate today's technological demands and capabilities. If you're interested in more information about this job or getting a quote for your own boardroom upgrade, email us at We would love to take a look at your space and offer up some excellent solutions to set your boardroom apart from the rest.

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