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Benefits of Using One Company for Custom Tech Installations

With so many different companies offering security systems, home automation, sound, lighting control, and custom home theaters, it can be a little overwhelming when you begin your search for an installer. You may have found someone to do the audio, but you still need someone to do security cameras. Or maybe you found a company that does media rooms, but you still need to get a fire protection system. You will probably feel like you’re getting pulled in so many directions that you’ll want to abandon your projects altogether. Fortunately, by selecting one company that is licensed and trained to do all of the above home upgrades, you’ll be saving yourself time, money, and lots of headaches for several reasons.

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In this day and age time really is a precious resource. When you choose one company that is experienced in all aspects of audio, sound, wireless, and security then the help you need is only one call away. You also only have to worry about setting up one appointment.


You may have heard that buying in bulk or package deals can save you money. The same is true for all your customized home technology needs. Hiring individual companies for various services will add up fast. Before you know it you'll be covered up in invoices and fees. By using one company you'll not only save money, but you'll save the headache of remembering to pay multiple bills each month.


Any company that can specialize in multiple aspects of home automation, fire protection, lighting and security is certain to have more knowledge and a better understanding of whole house or commercial property installations. Other installers might get snagged up if they get out of their area of expertise, but installers that have experience in all aspects can sail on through. This is especially important in troubleshooting. Perhaps your audio system has malfunctioned and you call the company that installed it, but they tell you the company that just did the whole house WiFi must have changed a setting on the system and to call them. This is not a situation you want to find yourself in.

Contact iSS today and find out more about how we can maximize the quality of your space with only one call and one team.

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