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Go Ahead! Make a Scene!

What is a Scene in home automation?


When most people first get their automation system, the installers keep asking what kind of “scenes” you want. & most people respond with a Blank stare & I had no idea what they were talking about. That is totally fine! We however, can pretty much guarantee that soon, they will become your best friend!

A “scene” in automation world is a combination of controlled events that are activated at the touch of a button, or if you choose to automate them you can set them to trigger based on a time of day or some other event, like the lights & music coming on shortly after you wake up! Pretty Nifty huh!

Here are some examples of some of our favorites:


This seems to be a favorite scene amoung a lot of people. Say you have three floors in your home, making the rounds to flip off all the lights can be a little pre-bedtime exercise you have probably grown to despise. Now all you have to do is pick up your smartphone or push one simple button by the bed and use it to put the house to bed. All the lights go off or you can have a few exceptions. Maybe leave the kids’ bathroom light on at about 15% so they can find their way in the middle of the night, or have the front exterior lights stay on until midnight. You can also have motion sensors set up, say in the kids’ rooms, the main hallway and the front entrance. Once you hit goodnight, you’ll get alerts on our phone if anyone is moving around – quite handy if you have little ones that tend to be midnight trouble-makers! The temperature drops to the mid-60’s so you don’t roast, and the security system arms and it’s off to a great worry free night of sleep! VIDEO HERE:


(DAY)When you push this button, every light in the house turns off. Even better, the temperature resets to 78 in the summer or 65 in the winter so youre not burning a bunch of energy heating or cooling the house when no-one is there. The security system arms. Also If your are like most people in this day & age, you have about a gazillion office computers, printers, etc. plugged into a power strip. They just sit there sucking power all day long while you are away. Not any more! Now that power strip turns off, so all of those devices are actually powered down while your are gone. Same thing with the coffee pot, flatiron, etc…things notoriously left on for hours at a time. Talk about energy saving! (Night) This leaves a few lights on inside and they’re actually programmed to mimic your actual behavior so it looks like someone is in the house – this is called “mockupancy.” It also sets the security system.


This scene is extremely fun! Create instant ambiance with the press of a button with lighting that illuminates key decorative elements and a customized playlist that starts up automatically. Someone drop in unexpectedly? No worries. Get notified when guests arrive by broadcasting a chime through the audio zone’s speakers where the party’s at. You can also Incorporate microphones into the whole-house audio system, so you can broadcast presentations throughout the entire home. Another Cool option...Use your iPad to tell the refrigerator when you’re out of ice, so it can ramp up production!

So many options! Go Ahead, Make a Scene... Its That Simple! CALL TODAY!

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