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A Happy Holiday Season with a Whole Home Automation System

Spending time with family and loved ones is what Christmas is all about. You may have to travel this holiday season and leave the comfort and security of your own home, but with a whole home automation system you do not have to worry about a thing.

Those never ending and worrying questions- Did I remember to arm the security system? Did I turn the heat down? Are all of the lights in the house taken care? Did I leave the garage door open? Are all the doors locked?

All of these questions can be answered with your whole home automation system and connection through your smartphone. While you travel this holiday season, take the stress out by knowing your home is secured while you are away.

For example, your bags are pack and you are pulling out of the driveway; a whole home automation can be securing your home. With one button pressed from your smartphone, you can simultaneously arm the security system, turn all the lights off in your home, lock your doors, and the temperature in the home gets adjusted. Also, if you have security cameras, you can view the live security video feeds from your smartphone or tablet. Allowing you to truly have peace of mind know your home is secured. You could also go a step further and adjust your lights and TV’s to come on at random times. That way it looks like your home, when you may be many miles away. Giving possible intruders a second guess.

While a whole home automation system can help you secure your home, it can also help you with energy savings. When you are not at home, you may not want the heater to kick in as often, and you may not want certain appliances to run or turn on. With smart home controls, you could change things up. For example, ensure that the power is off to certain devices, and cycle through energy cycles with relative ease.

Peace of mind, comfort, and security are the real benefits that comes through when smartening up your home. Worry less with a whole home automation system, and see what your home can really do for you. We hope everyone has a great Holiday season!

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