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Home Automation for this Thanksgiving Holiday

It is that time of the year again. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and Christmas straight ahead. This Thanksgiving you may have your family and friends over for dinner or you might be joining someone else at their table. No matter what your Thanksgiving Day plans are, it is nice to have an extra helping hand around the house on such a chaotic day. A home automation system can make it easy to take care of your home while you are focused on good times, good food, and being thankful for what you have.

If you are hosting this year’s Thanksgiving, your home can help you reduce some of the holiday stress for you. Imagine your home helping you with cooking and entertaining in peacefulness. Some great helping hands in your smart kitchen would be:

  • Accessing your favorite recipes from your touch screen in the kitchen.
  • Program one-touch buttons for optimal lighting. One could be for “Cooking Prep” and another for could be for “Entertaining.” A press of a button, your lights will automatically go from cooking to dining that are more subdued and intimate.
  • Send a notification to the living room TV when the turkey has reached optimal temperature. Then alert everyone that the feast is ready!
  • Again from your touch screen, queue up the perfect playlist as your guests sit down in the dining room.

You could also have your shades automatically raise or lower, and fans automatically turn on and off, helping to circulate air. So your home will be at the perfect comfort for all guests, plus it helps you be energy saving conscience. Also, if you are having house guests staying with you for the Thanksgiving Holiday, you can assign them a temporary entry code with smart door locks. That lets them come and go as they please. Best of all, you can set it to expire automatically when they leave.

If you're joining friends and family for the holiday away from your home, a home automation system gives you peace of mind while away. When you are rushing out the door with side dishes in tow and the kids running around, you might not remember to lock the front door or arm the alarm system. A home automation system can make spending time with family on Thanksgiving more enjoyable because you have less to worry about. There is no need to sit at the Thanksgiving table wondering if you locked the door. Instead, you can just check and take care of it right then and there. A home automation system allows you to do that anywhere.

If the Thanksgiving fun goes on longer than expected or you decide to spend the night, you can use your home automation system to make it look like you are still at home by turning lights on and off. You can also adjust the temperature of your home to save on heating costs or to keep things toasty on a cold night.

Whatever you may be doing for your Thanksgiving holiday, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

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