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Home Entertainment: Screens and Projectors for any room

In our previous blog, we discussed how a home theater is a great addition to any home and can bring the family together. There are so many possibilities you could do with a home theater. So this week we want to discuss some great screens and projectors that can complement different areas within the home and provide amazing home entertainment.

A family room with cozy couches or a basement man cave can both be a great media room. A media room is a multifunctioning space within the home, and for this type of home entertainment space it is best to set up a beautiful screen. One of the best screens for a home media room is the new Sony 4k Ultra HD TV. Sony’s new TV is automation-ready with two-way IP communications. This means the TV can both receive commands and provide status feedback, like I’M ON or the VOLUME is 70%, etc.

Now, if you have a dedicated room for a Home Theater that is fantastic! There are so many screens available, but we really love any one of the Stewart Film screens. A Runco projector pairs greatly with the Stewart Film screen, and both products help to create a unique display and provide seamless movie watching.

Lastly, we cannot forget some outdoor entertainment. Yes I know it is fall and getting colder day by day, but next summer you could be the go to place for those summer BBQ’s. Screen Innovations (SI) motorized screen and an Epson projector are two great products for outdoor entertainment. The SI screen is easily retractable and combined with the Epson projector can provide an amazing picture even in the brightest of light.

What is truly amazing about home theater entertainment is that any room or outdoor space can be integrated with any home automation system. For example, Control4 is our go to system for any home theater, home automation, lighting needs, etc.; and putting all that together creates a unified home entertainment system that could work easily with a push of a button. Not only a home entertainment system, but a whole connected home.

Now you can't watch a movie with just a picture, audio quality is a major compontent as well to any great home theater. We are far from watching silent movies in our technology driven world today. Can you guess what we might write about for next week's blog?

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