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How Home Automation Can Save You Cash

You may be a fan of home automation because you love technology and the idea of being able to control your entire home with the touch of a button, but did you know that it can actually save you lots of money? Many of us rush out the door in the morning and forget to adjust the thermostat or turn off all the lights. What if you could control aspects such as lighting or thermostats right from your smart phone? Or even better yet, what if your devices could learn from you? You may have heard of thermostats that learn your patterns such as when you go to work or when you're home on weekends. These are great options to save money and these types of thermostats can pay for themselves in a year.

Now home automation has gone a step further. With new innovations from location-based geo-fencing technology, users can eliminate the guess work out of smart thermostats. Sometimes our plans change and we come home unexpectedly or work late. A company called enerG uses the actual homeowner's location to make thermostat adjustments. By using a smartphone, users can create a virtual geo-fence around their home. The location of the homeowner acts as a trigger and adjusts to personalized settings. This service is part of several new options from enerG that incorporate lighting, energy, keyless entry, garage doors, and wireless HD camera viewing. also offers great energy solutions. You can set your thermostat or turn off lights right from your smartphone with the mobile app. Plus, activity patterns and energy monitoring allow you to stay on top of your energy usage before you get an unwelcomed surprise on your utility bill.

Lutron Electronics offer automated energy-saving solutions with various lighting and shade options. Lutron uses dimmers, occupancy/vacancy sensors, light control solutions, and shading systems that reduce lighting energy usage. Lutron is great because you don't have to make any sacrifices on style. Their shades come in numerous prints and textures and the special honeycomb design is great for holding in heat. Plus, the lighting dimmers turn homes into beautiful, peaceful spaces.

Still not convinced? Well did you know your energy saving efforts may qualify for rebates or other incentives from your local state or utility company? A professional home energy audit can reveal how much energy your home actually uses and what you can do to make your home more energy efficient. For example, the space around outlets and plumbing may seem too small, but air can actually bleed through these cracks. That means your hard-earned money is going down the drain.

If you're still not sure how home automation can save you money, contact us today. We would love to come out and show you!

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