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Knoxville Whole House Audio


A sound system in just one room is not doing you any favors. Knoxville, whole house audio is the way to go. Having a system the entire family will enjoy is easier than ever to possess and control.

The the primary difference between new whole home audio systems and ones past is convenience. Instead of going to each unit to control your system, everything is controlled by your mobile device. You can catalog you music, adjust the volume, even dim the lights if you incorporate a lighting system. Each room can have different volume settings. So, you can play your music louder on the porch, and quieter upstairs. A whole house audio system is thus, great for parties and gatherings.

Another benefit of whole house audio is that systems are built to minimize visual impact. No more bullky equipment stealing space. Speakers can be installed into the walls, and amps can be concealed. You can enjoy your audio systems without the eyesores.

Call us today to learn more 865.690.0154!


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