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Lighting Control

Are you looking for a convenient solution for your home's lighting control needs? It is easier now than ever. As your needs change throughout the day, your lighting should adapt to fit the circumstances. A good lighting system provides energy management, architectural enhancement, safety/security, and the ability to "paint" with lighting.

The benefits of lighting control is that it can easily integrate with your whole home automation using very simple, elegant keypads. Just think, after a long day at work your own house welcomes YOU home. Lighting control is more than just simply turning on and off a light, it is thinking outside the box. It allows you to have endless possibilities in creating amazing masterpieces within your living spaces.

For example, lets say you are having a dinner party, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to set the right mood by dimming the lights just right, start your playlist at the perfect volume in all the right rooms, and adjust the thermostat to provide the correct amount of comfort with just with a touch of a button? With lighting control being the central component of this whole scenario, we do this all the time for our clients.

Lighting control can also add an extra layer of security with the touch of a “Vacation” button. Lights will turn on and off at a seemingly random pattern, which gives the appearance that you are home while you are truly relaxing on the beach. If you want to really confuse a would be burglar, you can add the same random patterns to T.V.’s and automatic shades. Thus, giving you more comfort and peace of mind knowing that your home is secured even more.

So if you would like to brighten your day with home lighting control, give us a call at 865-690-0154. We are here to offer you better life solutions!

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