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Lighting Control for this Christmas season


The Christmas Season is in full swing, and I am sure many of you have already gotten out all of your Christmas decorations and lights.

If you are going to spend the time putting up outdoor lights during this holiday season, you hope others will be able to see and enjoy them. There is nothing more frustrating than investing the time and energy to put up holiday lights and then forgetting to turn them on after it gets dark. Home automation light sensors and timers ensure your hard work will not go unnoticed.

Using a lighting sensor to turn your outdoor lights on is a great way to make sure your holiday spirit is always shining through, even when you are not home. Sensors plug into your power source and your festive lights plug into the sensor. When the sun goes down, the sensor acts like a switch and automatically turns your lights on. These sensors also have timers so you can turn off your outdoor lights after a few hours.

Also, if you are concerned your home is in an area so well lit that light sensors will not work, or you wish to control an indoor display, you can always use a timer to turn your lights on and off. Like sensors, these timers install between your lights and your power source. These timers have the benefit of shutting off your lights when it gets late and saving on your electric bill.

These sensors and timers can also be a part of your outside lighting groups or scenes, so you can control them as part of all the outside lights. You can also have these devices to be programmed with your whole home automation system to be turned off when you hit the master “Night” button; turning everything in the house off and putting the entire home into night mode- thus saving energy, while ensuring safety and security is taken care of.

If you need a little help this holiday season, let us know and we would be happy to help. We are just a call away, and always offering you better life solutions.


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