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Projectors vs LED TVs

In the flat screen vs projector showdown, the projector wins with a KNOCKOUT!


Projector or TV? Is it even a Contest?


      When you compare a projector and TV with similar specs, the projector easily provides just as clear and crisp an image as the TV. However, the projector's image will be double or triple the size, making those lifelike colors and sharp details even more noticeable.

Imagine the look on your friends' and neighbors' faces when they see the 120-inch HD display in your Home Theater and learn that it cost half the price of their 60-inch flat screens. They will be drooling with jealousy when you take that same image and move it to another room or even outside. As light as 5 pounds, a home cinema projector is like a movie theater with a handle! 

Projectors and Flat Screens: Pros and Cons

  1. Projectors Pros
  • most projectors can project an HD image up to 300 inches diagonally, or larger, depending on your room size and lighting situation
  • good luck moving that bulky and extremely heavy, yet super fragile, flat screen TV
  • Spend less at the movies - with a home theater projector (and a nice sound system), you can recreate the cinema experience without ever leaving your house. And best of all, your refrigerator won't charge you twenty bucks when you want a soda!
  1. Projector Cons
  • Just make sure to pick one that is bright enough for your environment. Also, check out Screen Innovations Black Diamond screens which allow for lights-on projecting by increasing contrast ratios more than 300%.
  1. Flat Screen Pros
  • Don't have to worry about watching movies with the lights on
  1. Flat Screen Cons             
  • Smaller, more expensive images
  • Nightmare to move. Less Durable.
  • Difficult to appreciate 1080p or 4k content on a smaller screen - unless you're sitting just feet away from the screen

Comparing TVs and Projectors

Here's a quick chart to help you compare the two technologies.

Comparison Projectors Flat Screen Televisions Advantage
As large as 300 inches diagonally. If buyers purchase a screen, they usually opt for a 120-inch model for their home theater. Average screen sizes range from 13 inches to 80 inches diagonally. Projectors are able to create the largest images by far. A projector's screen size is also adjustable and can be changed to fit your environment. Flat screen TVs peak at about 70-80 inches.
Shipping and Transporting Home theater projectors weigh between five and 20 lbs. They can typically be shipped for less than most flat screen TVs. We offer free shipping on all projectors $799 and higher. Due to their fragile nature, flat screens are usually more expensive to ship. TVs in general are much harder to move from room to room. It is usually a two-person operation. Because they are cheaper, easier and safer to transport, projectors are like movie theaters with a handle.
Projectors have lamps that last up to 5,000 hours. They are replaceable and generally cost $199 to $399. TVs have a reported half-life of about 100,000 hours. Half-life is the time it takes the light source to fade to half its original brightness. A projector has a shorter lamp life, but the lamp can be replaced multiple times. Even considering the cost of replacement lamps, projectors are the best value by cost per viewing inch.
3D Call us biased, but 3D on a projector is awesome. Because of their big image, projectors provide a more immersive 3D experience than flat screens. 3D quality is good, but is limited by the size of the screen. Projectors provide the most realistic 3D images thanks to the large image they provide.

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