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The Reveal!

A while back we showed you a project we were working on.  It is a perfect illustration that shows just because you purchased quality equipment, does not mean you get a quality system.  The most important decision you make in any project is choosing the professional subcontractor that will give you the greatest level of service before, during and after the sale.  That is what we at iSS strive to do everyday. 

In this particular case, the client had paid a large sum of money for good audio gear.  Naturally they assumed they would receive a professionally installed system that ran just as it was sold to them and give them years of enjoyment.  Unfortunately, this was not the case.  Instead they received a very poor level of service, a rats nest of wire and a system that never performed as it should.   

This project came to us through a referral from a long term client.  Initially we were only going to upgrade their system to a Sonos whole house system, but upon inspection of the wiring disaster, we advised that it would be in their best interest to clean up ALL the wiring and clearly lable all wires so that future service of the system will be efficient and POSSIBLE. 

Needless to say, once we cleaned up the wiring and turned over a very functional system to the client, we made another lifelong relationship.  We are continually trying to ensure that every project we walk away from, the client will have zero hesitation to call us back to perform another service for them.  That was exactly what happened in this case.

If you have a system that could use a little TLC, then we are exactly the company you need.  Call us for a free consultation.

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