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Tips for Home Lighting Control

Automating your home's lights has been one of the biggest home technology trends in recent years. There are always new launches for individual products or whole house lighting systems designed to make it easier to operate and customize your home lighting. From automated window treatments to dimmers, learn what technology you need to light your home for safety, convenience and energy efficiency.

Lighting for Home Safety & Security:

No one likes to come home to a dark house, so integrating a lighting system into your smart-grid home system can illuminate your indoor and outdoor lighting. Lighting control can automatically make your home more welcoming, inviting and safer.

Ideally, your lighting system could link up with your automatic door locks. Working much like a standard garage door opener; you push a button to unlock your door from your car and your lights will go on. There are many variables to lighting systems that is truly up to the home owner and their image of what they want.

Another example for lighting and securing your home is motion sensors outside that can turn on the lights inside. This is a feature that works as a deterrent to intruders. Making the house look like someone is home while you are away.

Lighting sensors and dimmers:

Lighting sensors and dimmers have been available for years, but now there are versions that are controlled by radio waves that link back to your smart home integration system. They are retrofitted into your existing light switch outlets to turn the lights off and on; or dim them depending on the time of day and how much natural light is coming in through your windows. They work especially well on remodeling projects where you may not be able to get into the walls to install wiring.

These radio-control sensors and dimmers can operate lights inside and outside your home, turning on landscape flood lighting as well as lights in your garage, kitchen or any room in your home. You can even control the lights from your Smartphone or iPad, or program them in your fully integrated system so the lights come on at dusk then shut off at a preset time at night.

Window treatment controls:

You can save money and be energy-saving conscious by installing automatic window treatment controls that link up to your integrated lighting system.

For example, when a room gets warmer in the summer, the system understands that the sun is raising the temperature so it lowers the blinds to help stabilize the temperature in the room. This way you are using less air conditioning. In the winter, if the blinds are down, the system may raise them to allow the sun to help heat the space.

Automatic window treatment controls can also be controlled from your Smartphone or iPad just like your home lights. Now, depending on the level of customization, window treatment controls often require that a professional come to your home to measure and install them so they work properly.

If you trying to be energy-saving conscious and have been thinking about lighting control for your home, then give us a call! We are always here to offer you better life solutions.


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