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Articles in Category: Knoxville Home Automation

A Happy Holiday Season with a Whole Home Automation System

Spending time with family and loved ones is what Christmas is all about. You may have to travel this holiday season and leave the comfort and security of your own home, but with a whole home automation system you do not have to worry about a thing.

Those never ending and worrying questions- Did I remember to arm the security system? Did I turn the heat down? Are all of the lights in the house taken care? Did I leave the garage door open? Are all the doors locked?

All of these questions can be answered with your whole home automation system and connection through your smartphone. While you travel this holiday season, take the stress out by knowing your home is secured while you are away.

For example, your bags are pack and you are pulling out of the driveway; a whole home automation can be securing your home. With one button pressed from your smartphone, you can simultaneously arm the security system, turn all the lights off in your home, lock your doors, and the temperature in the home gets adjusted. Also, if you have security cameras, you can view the live security video feeds from your smartphone or tablet. Allowing you to truly have peace of mind know your home is secured. You could also go a step further and adjust your lights and TV’s to come on at random times. That way it looks like your home, when you may be many miles away. Giving possible intruders a second guess.

While a whole home automation system can help you secure your home, it can also help you with energy savings. When you are not at home, you may not want the heater to kick in as often, and you may not want certain appliances to run or turn on. With smart home controls, you could change things up. For example, ensure that the power is off to certain devices, and cycle through energy cycles with relative ease.

Peace of mind, comfort, and security are the real benefits that comes through when smartening up your home. Worry less with a whole home automation system, and see what your home can really do for you. We hope everyone has a great Holiday season!

Go Ahead! Make a Scene!

What is a Scene in home automation?


When most people first get their automation system, the installers keep asking what kind of “scenes” you want. & most people respond with a Blank stare & I had no idea what they were talking about. That is totally fine! We however, can pretty much guarantee that soon, they will become your best friend!

A “scene” in automation world is a combination of controlled events that are activated at the touch of a button, or if you choose to automate them you can set them to trigger based on a time of day or some other event, like the lights & music coming on shortly after you wake up! Pretty Nifty huh!

Here are some examples of some of our favorites:


This seems to be a favorite scene amoung a lot of people. Say you have three floors in your home, making the rounds to flip off all the lights can be a little pre-bedtime exercise you have probably grown to despise. Now all you have to do is pick up your smartphone or push one simple button by the bed and use it to put the house to bed. All the lights go off or you can have a few exceptions. Maybe leave the kids’ bathroom light on at about 15% so they can find their way in the middle of the night, or have the front exterior lights stay on until midnight. You can also have motion sensors set up, say in the kids’ rooms, the main hallway and the front entrance. Once you hit goodnight, you’ll get alerts on our phone if anyone is moving around – quite handy if you have little ones that tend to be midnight trouble-makers! The temperature drops to the mid-60’s so you don’t roast, and the security system arms and it’s off to a great worry free night of sleep! VIDEO HERE:


(DAY)When you push this button, every light in the house turns off. Even better, the temperature resets to 78 in the summer or 65 in the winter so youre not burning a bunch of energy heating or cooling the house when no-one is there. The security system arms. Also If your are like most people in this day & age, you have about a gazillion office computers, printers, etc. plugged into a power strip. They just sit there sucking power all day long while you are away. Not any more! Now that power strip turns off, so all of those devices are actually powered down while your are gone. Same thing with the coffee pot, flatiron, etc…things notoriously left on for hours at a time. Talk about energy saving! (Night) This leaves a few lights on inside and they’re actually programmed to mimic your actual behavior so it looks like someone is in the house – this is called “mockupancy.” It also sets the security system.


This scene is extremely fun! Create instant ambiance with the press of a button with lighting that illuminates key decorative elements and a customized playlist that starts up automatically. Someone drop in unexpectedly? No worries. Get notified when guests arrive by broadcasting a chime through the audio zone’s speakers where the party’s at. You can also Incorporate microphones into the whole-house audio system, so you can broadcast presentations throughout the entire home. Another Cool option...Use your iPad to tell the refrigerator when you’re out of ice, so it can ramp up production!

So many options! Go Ahead, Make a Scene... Its That Simple! CALL TODAY!

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Go from basic to best for your home network!


"Network stability is the foundation for every smart home. It’s not just a nice to have, it’s a requirement." - Jamie Lee Corpuz, Marketing Communications Specialist with Pakedge

 Whether you spend a little or a ton on an AV system or a smart home system, its performance is only as good as the network it runs on. Would you buy a high performance Lamborghini sports car and fill it with unleaded regular gasoline? Of course not, but that is exactly what you do when you use the basic plain ol modem/router/wireless unit that your internet provider suplies you with.  Unfortunatly the only time you think about your network is when you lose connectivity, or when your system doesn’t work the way you thought it would. But this is exactly why the network matters. The more devices you connect, the smarter your home is, and the more important your network becomes.

If you’ve ever experienced lower than expected download speeds, poor quality video  streaming, your connected devices just don’t seem to work well, etc...then you’ve likely  experienced a network break down. Ironically, most people don’t realize it’s a network  issue, and they falsely blame the AV system or the device for the problem. An enterprise  grade network is the “secret” ingredient in pro AV and smart home installations.     


Here are the key reasons why: 

Designed for high performance. purpose built for performance. They use faster CPUs and memory to process more streams of high bandwidth traffic (including UHD/4K). You are sure to see and increase in speed, quality, and productivity of all of your devices, even if they are all running at once! In addition, they also offer seamless wireless coverage & advanced thermal management technologies keep the network equipment cool and running efficiently over its lifetime.

Your system, your way.  No two AV systems or smart homes are exactly alike. No one will have the same devices you do connected to the network in the same way, or operate in the same site conditions. Unlike consumer grade networks, enterprise class systems give you full control and allow your network to be fully customized for maximum performance. As your needs and network changes in the future, your network can be retuned and optimized. 

Scalable and future ready. Change is constant. Is your network ready for the future? How you use your network today is not the same as how you used your network five years ago, and it will not be the same five years from now. New devices, new applications, and new services are being developed and launched into the marketplace every day. Enterprise grade networks are built to scale and adapt to planned and unplanned traffic increases and applications.

Reliability. Consumer grade network equipment is designed around low price points to target the “good enough” mass-market customer. This is accomplished by restricting performance, limiting features, using lower grade components, and offering short warranties and limited tech support. In contrast, enterprise grade equipment uses higher-grade components with better manufacturing and performance to withstand heavy-duty conditions. They use higher-grade memory and CPUs, manufactured with the latest techniques. They provide firmware updates on a regular basis in order to address bug fixes and performance optimizations.

Pro-level support. Enterprise grade manufacturers employ a two level tech support model – tech support is provided to the end user through a local authorized reseller and distributor, who is trained and certified by the manufacturer, who knows your system, has installed it and can fix it right the first time. In turn, the manufacturer provides dedicated tech support to the authorized reseller and distributor, through its fully trained and experienced tech support staff. 

Lifetime value. Although enterprise grade equipment is initially more expensive than consumer grade equipment, it provides a much better value over the system’s lifetime, an overall lower total cost of ownership, and a better investment. It’s simple—it is more reliable and it lasts longer. They have longer warranties. It is scalable, expandable, and can be tuned/optimized to support your needs as your network expands. Many manufacturers offer free lifetime technical support and firmware updates so that your system is always supported.


Call iSS Today to get your Network Upgraded and Experience the BEST yourself! 

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Gold Medal Apps for the 2012 Olympics

The 2012 Olympics' connectedness will establish a tome for future games. In our app-loving world, designers are imitating athletes by competing for most useful Olympics app. Which app will take home the gold? Only time can tell, but we know which apps are forerunners. Learn more about the functionality of each, below, and judge a winner.

Event Management Apps

1) Covering the games on this side of the pond is NBC. Naturally they engineered multiple ways to keep you connected to the events in London. With their free Olympic app, receive live updates, news, schedules, results, medal counts, photos, and video. Additionally, interact with others via social media platforms - all from your phone or tablet.

2) Join In developed an iPad optimized app that provides the standard updates, calendars, medals, etc. plus a customizable experience. Follow specific countries, track the Olympic Torch route, and discover cultural, community and other celebrations happening around London. Also available for Android and Blackberry.

3) Want official results on your mobile device? What better app to chose than the London 2012: Official Results app? View up-to-date lists of athletes competing in the games, their bios, and personal performances. Find and track athletes easily by sport or country.

4) BBC Olympics parades its national pride with an efficient app. Create a customizable tab bar to easily follow your favorite sports. Enjoy live video of the sports and medal-winning highlights. Learn more here.

Additional Apps

1. Reuter's Olympic London- Free, fantastic photography of the games, often equipped with infographics. This app continually updates with new photos. Great for iPad users.

2. Curly's Guide to Sports- You source for sports' enlightenment. Want to learn abou the history, rules, and trivia of a sport? Don't disturb friends, download this app! It's artfully designed, so artists, atheletes, and those in between will enjoy this very handy program.

3. Yelp Mobile- If you have never used Yelp before, you will wonder where it has been all your life once you do. For those of you lucky enough to go to London for the games, download Yelp Mobile before you depart. Yelp is a reliable guide to all venues a city has to offer. Users rate restaurants, bars, cafes, etc. and post suprisingly good critiques and photos. It's an app you will use now and after the games.

Halloween and Home Automation

Make your smart home SPOOKTACULAR!


There was a time when the term "home automation" made you think of a friendly robotic maid buzzing around the house, cleaning, doing laundry, and cooking meals. 

Robots have indeed started to pop up and are starting to play a role in our lives at home. But the reality of home automation in the 21st Century is quite a bit different than what was thought of in the post-World War II era. Instead of a robotic hub, home control is centralized in the palm of our hands! 

Companies like Control4 can coordinate all the technology in your home into complete, brilliant experiences that fit your lifestyle and are easy for your family to enjoy. With one touch, dim the lights, play music, turn up the heat, lock the doors and arm the security system. Or, check in on your home from your smartphone, no matter where you are.

Being able to adjust temperature and lighting, check cameras, and unlock your front door from your smartphone is a wonderful convenience, but it's only the tip of the iceberg of what you can expect from a professionally designed and installed home automation system. So many options is SCARY!!

Home Automation can also be a GREAT tool for creating a SPOOKTACULAR set up for your Haunted Halloween Home! From automated lighting & music or singing pumpkins, to projection screen scenes. The possiblities can make your  nightmares.... I mean dreams come true! Click the links below & Check out some examples that are to DIE FOR :)

Thriller Light show:      House projection:                 Spooky effects:            Singing pumpkins:

 Everyone Here at iSS Hopes You Have A Frightfully Awesome Halloween!

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Home Automation for this Thanksgiving Holiday

It is that time of the year again. Thanksgiving is just around the corner and Christmas straight ahead. This Thanksgiving you may have your family and friends over for dinner or you might be joining someone else at their table. No matter what your Thanksgiving Day plans are, it is nice to have an extra helping hand around the house on such a chaotic day. A home automation system can make it easy to take care of your home while you are focused on good times, good food, and being thankful for what you have.

If you are hosting this year’s Thanksgiving, your home can help you reduce some of the holiday stress for you. Imagine your home helping you with cooking and entertaining in peacefulness. Some great helping hands in your smart kitchen would be:

  • Accessing your favorite recipes from your touch screen in the kitchen.
  • Program one-touch buttons for optimal lighting. One could be for “Cooking Prep” and another for could be for “Entertaining.” A press of a button, your lights will automatically go from cooking to dining that are more subdued and intimate.
  • Send a notification to the living room TV when the turkey has reached optimal temperature. Then alert everyone that the feast is ready!
  • Again from your touch screen, queue up the perfect playlist as your guests sit down in the dining room.

You could also have your shades automatically raise or lower, and fans automatically turn on and off, helping to circulate air. So your home will be at the perfect comfort for all guests, plus it helps you be energy saving conscience. Also, if you are having house guests staying with you for the Thanksgiving Holiday, you can assign them a temporary entry code with smart door locks. That lets them come and go as they please. Best of all, you can set it to expire automatically when they leave.

If you're joining friends and family for the holiday away from your home, a home automation system gives you peace of mind while away. When you are rushing out the door with side dishes in tow and the kids running around, you might not remember to lock the front door or arm the alarm system. A home automation system can make spending time with family on Thanksgiving more enjoyable because you have less to worry about. There is no need to sit at the Thanksgiving table wondering if you locked the door. Instead, you can just check and take care of it right then and there. A home automation system allows you to do that anywhere.

If the Thanksgiving fun goes on longer than expected or you decide to spend the night, you can use your home automation system to make it look like you are still at home by turning lights on and off. You can also adjust the temperature of your home to save on heating costs or to keep things toasty on a cold night.

Whatever you may be doing for your Thanksgiving holiday, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Home Automation Made Easy

How we can automate your home and business

Ah, that time between Spring and Summer has finally arrived in Knoxville. Pollen covers every exterior surface imaginable in yellow blankets of dust. The quickly-warming temperatures remind you that the humidity of a Tennessee summer isn’t far off. Right now it is baseball season, but soon enough, the UT fight song will be echoing from every living room in Rocky Top while we watch our football team make it all the way to the national championship this year (a girl can dream). You begin to think about the home theater you always wanted, and how great these games would look on a big screen. You think of the home theater that would allow you to be immersed in the experience of the stadium, without having to buy tickets to the game or spend eight dollars on a beer--that theater with state-of-the-art audio technology, the one you always put off on installing because other things came up along the way. Hey, we know that life happens, and things get put off. Here at iSS LLC.  we are here to make your life a little easier—and a lot more fun. Now featuring Control4 home automation software, we can create the home theater of your dreams--and tailor home automation installations to your personal wants and needs. Still not convinced? Check out a few of the things we can do for your home or your commercial business space by clicking the link below.


Home Control: Touchscreen VS Smartphone

Which solution works best for controlling a home?


A few years ago, a little thing called the “app” changed the way people interact with the electronics in their homes. With so much hoopla surrounding control apps, it can be easy to forget about one of the most respected user-interfaces available: the dedicated touch screen.  

Don’t let this tried-and-true mode of control slip your mind, though. The dedicated touchscreen, like the new 7- and 10-inch models from Control4, offers a wealth of benefits that no other type of interface can match. The user-interface on a touch screen presents a great deal of information about your house—all in high-resolution quality—from reviewing the current settings of your home’s thermostats and lights, to receiving a status report of electronic door locks and viewing the current weather forecast. With all the pertinent data at your fingertips, organized and laid out in a manner that’s easy to read, the touch screen is arguably the most engaging and intuitive of all user interfaces.

Even as new features get added to a touch screen, like the HD camera, hi-fi speakers and microphone that Control4 recently added to its 7- and 10-inch models, its user-friendliness is never compromised. In fact, with each new function, a touch screen becomes an increasingly more powerful and valuable home control tool.

Touch screens are a fast and responsive user interface that’s always there ready for you to interact with your home. There’s no need to boot up or wait for an app to load. You’re in charge of the electronic system in your house, instantly.

Then there’s the convenience factor. You may not be able to carry a touch screen in your pocket like you can your app-enabled smartphone, but unlike your phone, a touch screen is always right where you left it, never lost between the cushions of your couch. Plus, it’s always powered up and ready to shoot off commands to all the connected devices in your house.

Well all that being said there are also still so many reasons why using a smartphone for home control is great as well. With only a swipe and a tap, smartphone-loving homeowners are in complete charge of everything from thermostats and light switches to complete home automation systems. Convenient? Absolutely. And who can deny the cool factor associated with whipping out a phone while on a date to get the house ready for a nightcap? VIDEO:


So Smartphone VS. Touchscreen winner? We Just can't decide! Really it just depends on you and your preferences! Give us a call today to start designing your smart home experience and find out which works best for you!

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Home Theater Heat Wave!

Home Theater too Hot? Here's what to do!


Having the HOTEST Home theater in town...doesnt have to be LITERAL! 

Having a theater room is a great and fun addition to any home, but as many people experience, once you get all the electronics running and you settle in for your favorite movie, the room tempature drastically increases. It happens more often then not when people have a theater room that was not installed in a room already containing a thermostat of its own. The ideal solution is to have your installation tech instal a new thermostat in the room to control the tempature changes quickly all on its own, however this can be costly. Also most people who set up their own theater room are not even aware of this issue until it is too late.      

A great solution we like to offer is installing a Control4 remote tempature sensor. A Remote Temperature Sensor allows the Thermostat to get its temperature readings from an area where the Thermostat is not physically located. Typically, the Thermostat will be located near the HVAC equipment with only the Remote Temperature Sensor on the wall in the living area. This creates a much cleaner install. In this case, the Thermostat settings would be controlled using any of the Control4 user interfaces. A Remote Temperature Sensor is also a good solution in a retrofit when a common wire is not available and power stealing is not an option. The Thermostat can be mounted in the mechanical room and wired directly to the HVAC equipment. The previously installed Thermostat wiring can then be used to connect the Thermostat to the Remote Temperature Sensor. 

Let us help keep your home theater room relaxing and comfortable like it was meant to be without sacrificing the tempature comfort in the rest of your home! Call us today to discuss our solutions!

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