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Articles in Category: Knoxville Home Security

Some Spring Cleaning Tips for your Security System!

Spring has sprung and we could not be more excited for warmer temperatures and longer days. For many homeowners, the changing season means spring cleaning time. Just like your kitchen and closet could use a good scrub down, your security system could use some attention as well. Here are some tips to keep your system functioning at its best:

  • Do a run through of all the windows and doors. Check the sensors to make sure they are still attached properly and the batteries are still charged. The adhesive on door and window sensors may need some occasional readjusting. Also, check for any rotting or other warping around windows and door frames that could interfere with sensors.
  • If you have surveillance cameras, it's a good idea to clean them of any dust and grime and check for any signs of moisture. Doing so will ensure the clearest picture and an uninterrupted camera feed. Simply use a gentle lens or monitor cleaner and a soft cloth to clear any debris.
  • Inspect the panel for any signs of wear and tear. Make sure all the wires are intact and there are no unknown flashing lights or service lights blinking on the system. When you're inspecting your panel, it may be a good idea to run the system in test mode. This can ensure no false alarms to your monitoring company.

Spring is a great time to check your smoke detectors as well. A smoke detector with a dead battery is not going to do you much good when you need it most. Also, make sure fire extinguishers are still in working order and there is one located on every floor of your home and definitely in the kitchen.

Checking a security system for minor malfunctions is important to keep things running properly. The best line of defense is to have a qualified tech from your local security company come out and do a thorough inspection. They have the skills to catch something you may have previously missed. Keeping your system clean and healthy will ensure it runs properly for many years to come!


Life's Better When Everything Works Together!

All About An Automation Leader: Control4


What is a Smart Home?

While there are many smart products available today, it isn’t until these devices work together in orchestration, that you experience the magic of a smart home. From homes small to large, new and old, Control4 delivers power and performance on one platform that coordinates the technology in your house into complete, brilliant experiences—interactions that fit your lifestyle and are easy for your family to enjoy. With one touch, dim the lights, stream high-resolution music, turn up the heat, lock the doors and arm the security system. Or, check in on your home no matter where you are. It’s a smarter living experience that you’ll wonder how you ever lived without. We call it, the New Normal.




A high-end home theater experience is more than just a nice TV with surround sound. With a home theater system from Control4, you’ll be the envy of every movie theater goer in town. Turn the lights off, turn on the surround sound and start the movie all with the touch of a button.



Forget about ever touching that thermostat again, in fact, forget about the thermostat all together. With our automated climate control, your thermostat is anywhere you are. Curb your monthly bills and ease your eco-conscience. Advanced temperature control is a simple and affordable addition to any home with Control4.



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Never Skimp on your Security!

Basic vs Custom Security Systems

Keeping you and your family safe is always your number one priority, but keeping your home safe should be a big deal, too. This should mean you want the absolute best to ensure your family, yourself, and your home are the safest they can be! With so many different options out their now a days in this market we want to help you make sure you make the right choice!

First of all you want to make sure you know the types of security systems. There is a wide variety of security systems, and each has special features that set it apart from its competitors. When differentiating between security systems, it's important to consider these three categories:

  1. Monitoring: the means by which the system communicates with its monitoring center.
  2. Installation: the method of installation--professional or DIY.
  3. Home Automation: the ability to control various events in your home beyond basic security, including turning lights on and off, thermostat settings, and others.

These categories help you determine which system will best suit your home and lifestyle. Determining between a DIY set up vs. a professionally installed custom system is the big question. Sure you can go to Sam’s Club and get a basic easy to install set up that is cheap and simple. What is the saying…”You get what you pay for”, and of all the ways you can save money do you really want safety to be one of them?

Do it yourself systems do not require professional installation, which means an installer doesn't come to your home to set up the system and show you how to use it. Nor can it be customized to fit your personal needs and wants. Instead, you are mailed the equipment and given instructions on how to set it up on your own. 

A professionally installed system usually requires an installation fee. The benefit of a professionally installed system is that you don't have to worry about making a mistake during the installation process. A professional will ensure that the system is set up properly and answer any questions you have.

custom security system can be tailor-made to fit your needs, and can include almost anything you want it to. Custom alarms can give you better protection and convenience, although they usually cost a bit more to install. Depending on your needs, one or two custom features can be added to a basic security system to personalize it without breaking the bank!

Let your imagination run wild and let us help you customize and perfect security system for you, your family, and your home! Call us today at 865-690-0154 and let’s get started so you can have peace of mind and be the safest you can be!

iSS Security sign

New Advancements in Digital Credentials

For several years, the talk in access control has focused primarily on smart cards. While the technology is great, it hasn't caught on quite as much as the security industry expected. Now there's a new technology trend in town and it's causing quite a bit of buzz.

Near field communication (NFC) allows users to ditch smart cards and enjoy the convenience of using their smartphone for keyless entry as well as a variety of other tasks. Smart cards are one of the most popular digital credentials on the market and while NFC will be a great option for users, it's not expected to completely wipe out smart cards. In fact, it's expected that NFC will help the smart card industry because it's still a smart-based application. The biggest question is when all smartphones will be enabled with the technology. A hotel in Stockholm, Sweden allows quests to enter rooms with their smartphones and bypass reception altogether.

There are phones on the market that come equipped with NFC, but not any from Apple yet. While there are rumors that Apple will release future iPhones with the technology already built-in, there is still no guarantee. While you can still get the iPhone turned into a NFC-enabled device, advertising it as an existing feature would give this technology a major boost.

So is NFC right for you? I'd say most likely. People are all about smartphones and anything they can do to make their lives easier. This is no different. Colleges especially have a high interest in NFC because of tech-savvy student populations. I think we'll be seeing a lot more NFC in upcoming years. It may not take off overnight, but it is definitely a new technology that a multitude of people can appreciate.

New Employee

iSS would like to welcome our new office administrator, Brandi, to the team. She is a Knoxville native and recent graduate from the University of Tennessee, where she received a BA in communication studies and a minor in psychology. She has a passion for meeting and connecting with others and making every kind of communication encounter a great one. In her free time she enjoys gardening, cooking, photography, and Seaside, Florida.

Brandis Blog Photo


Security Cameras

As experts in Knoxville security camera installation, we would like to discuss a hot topic in the field: IP vs. Analog cameras. What's the benefit of one versus the other? This quick YouTube video clearly shows the differences between the two technologies. We discuss the benefits of both after the jump.


Set Sail & Vacation with Intelligence!

Your Vacation should be Smart too!


Home automation has become all the rage these days and if you have experienced it yourself then you will most likely agree that is has become a convenience you just don't want to live without! Well great news! Now when you vacation or even when you take the boat out, you don't have to be without the automation luxuries you have grown so accustomed to!



What?: It would be easier to tell you what you cant have because the possibilities are truely endless. 

  • Security systems 
  • Audio & Video
  • Home Theaters
  • Media Rooms
  • Outdoor Automation
  • Lighting control
  • Shade Control
  • Temperature Control
  • Music in Every Room
  • Entry Systems
  • Energy Management
  • Scenes & More!

Imagine being an hour away from your vacation home and being able to get everything ready for your arrival with the touch of a few buttons! Turn on the spa, heat up the pool, turn on the lights, raise up the shades, set the perfect tempature, start your favorite music and be vacation ready as soon as you walk through the door! Check it out for your self... VIDEO HERE



Boat Automation has several options as well and of coarse as the size of the boat increases so do the options. A Control4 System can be used to manage different things throughout the vessel, access navagation equipment, make service requests for staff, Incorporate state of the art secuirty systems and several other options such as:

  • • Remotely controlling lights and heating or air conditioning to turn on shortly before arrival, ensuring everything on the vessel is set to preference yet reducing energy consumption
    • Automating exterior running lights to allow the crew to move around safely
    • Adjusting the thermostat to ensure appropriate interior cabin temperatures
    • Providing GPS and navigation data through the television or touch screens so owners and onboard guests know the current location of the vessel and anticipated arrival
    • Triggering lights to automatically turn on, off or dim, based on detected light levels or specific times of the day
    • Opening and closing blinds, according to when the sun sets or the skies become cloudy to allow for optimum levels of natural light
    • Centralizing audio and video collections from multiple sources and allowing selection of music or movies by cover art from a single library from any room on the vessel
  • • Outdoor TVs that can withstand the elements of the ocean or water as well as weather, and even theaters and media rooms!         Check it out: VIDEO HERE


CALL iSS Today and start living the Smart life even when you are away from home! 

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Smoke Detector Maintenance: A Must

Lifesaving smoke detectors are only as good as their upkeep.

Every year approximately 20,000 people stand in the ashes of disbelief when a fire happens to them. That staggering number represents people injured by home and business fires. It does not account for the 3,000 individuals whom lose thier lives to fires every year. Adding to the tragedy of it all is that most of us do not take 30 seconds to test our dectors monthly, and yet those 30 seconds are invaluable when fires happens. In half a minute, a room can engulf in flames.

Fires can start at any time. The photo attached to this post --taken by Jennifer Silcox, courtesy of the News Sentinel-- shows a Knoxville apartment fire, likely caused by lightning, just yesterday. As our area continues to be effected by lightning, iSS urges you to check your detectors. If your smoke detectors are not tied into your security security system, make sure your batteries are current. Have you replaced your detectors' 9 volt batteries this year? The U.S. Fire Administration insists that you do.  Are your detectors 8 years or older? The U.S. Fire Administration states to change your detectors every 8 to 10 years, and to include photoelectric and ionization detectors.  

For more important information regarding fire safety, please visit U.S. Fire Administration's webpage.  To find out how you can help community members displaced by this week's fire, please contact the Knoxville Area Red Cross. And as always, please contact us at 865.690.0154 if you have any questions regarding smoke detectors and fire safety.

Tips For Keeping Your Home Safe While On Vacation

Vacation season is in full swing! The car is packed and the hotel is booked, but is your home ready to be left behind? The Insurance Information Institute states that the majority of home break-ins occur during July and August. Don’t let a few simple mistakes cost you. These easy tips can save you big and keep you worry-free on your next adventure.

Keep Your Home Looking Fresh

While you’re gone, it's important to maintain the appearance of your home. Tall grass or a pile of newspapers in the driveway can be a green light for intruders. Pay a neighbor to mow the grass and collect your mail. Maybe they can even water your ferns while they’re at it.

Make It Look Like You Never Left

Keep a car parked in the driveway and buy timers for lights or televisions. Set them to come on at various times of the day to create the illusion that someone is home. Intruders are less likely to show interest in your home if it looks like you're still in it.

Get Monitored

A security system is a great tool to give you peace of mind while you enjoy your hard-earned vacation. Many insurance companies even give discounts to customers with security systems. Just make sure that you place signs and stickers in your yard and on your windows to show your house is monitored. This can steer thieves away before they even set foot on your property.

Keep Quiet

You’ve been saving up for months and you can’t wait to hit the beach, but the last thing you want to do is share your travel plans on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter. As harmless as it may seem to post that pic of your toes in the sand or little Jimmy riding the teacups at Disney World, you’re sending an open invite for intruders to come on over to your empty house.

While these tips are not a sure guarantee that your house will not become a victim to a break-in, they can definitely help. Take precautions before you leave so you can vacation worry-free and avoid coming home sorry.

Why Professional Monitoring is the way to Go!


5 Reasons You should Leave your Security to Professionals:

A professionally monitored system can stay up to date with less effort than a self-maintained system. Security systems come in a lot of different varieties. If you install and monitor the system yourself, you might only have an alarm set up for the front and back doors, or you might also include sensors on windows. With security monitoring, you get a lot more for your money.

The value of a security system isn’t just in what it costs to install and maintain. Its real value is in how it performs. And in most cases, professional monitoring performs better. Here are 5 reasons why:

#1: Monitored Systems are Always On Duty

When you have a monitored security system, it’s always on duty. Whether you’re on vacation, at work, or asleep, monitoring means someone else is watching over your property every day and night. With an unmonitored or self-monitored system, you’re the only one in charge of protecting your property. If your system is self-monitored and you miss an alert, there might be no one available to notify authorities to help if there’s a problem. And if your system isn’t monitored at all, you might never know there was a problem until someone gets back on site. 

#2: Help Can Arrive Faster

A professionally monitored system will dispatch the appropriate help when an alarm is triggered. 

If there’s a fire, break-in, or any other problem, you’ll know that help comes whether you’re available or not. With a self-monitored or unmonitored system, you’re responsible for making a call for help. But if you are unable or unaware, there’s no one else to back you up.

#3: They Work When Cell or Email Service is Unavailable 

Monitoring means that regardless of whether you’re reachable by phone or email, help will come when a problem is detected by your system. Monitoring services try to confirm any alert triggers with you. But help arriving doesn’t depend on you having access to your cell or email. With a self-monitored system, text and email alerts that the system sends might fall on deaf ears if you’re in an area with no cell service, can’t hear your phone ring, or can’t check your email. If you don’t get the alert, you won’t know that there’s a problem. And unmonitored systems have no alerts at all.

#4: Professionals Service Your System

Sooner or later, everything digital or mechanical will need service. With a professionally monitored systems, service is most likely included in your contract. You won’t have to worry about expensive repairs and extended down time for broken equipment. With a self-monitored or unmonitored system, you are your own repair team. Or you could hire a third party to make repairs when needed and pay those costs out of pocket.

#5: Potentially Lower Up-Front Costs

Professionally monitored security systems come with professional installation. And with a service contract, those costs are often significantly lower than you’d pay if you bought the equipment and installed everything on your own. If you do the installation work, all costs are paid up front. And there’s also the risk of an improper installation, which could compromise your security system.


There are plenty of arguments for having an unmonitored security system or one that you monitor yourself. One of the biggest is no contract for service. but no contract equals no contact. And that means you’re on your own.

For the best protection that your business and home can get, call us to learn more about the many ways iSS can help make life safer and simpler!

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Why DIY Home Security is not Home Security at all

We have all heard the term DIY. Many DIY projects can be fun, creative, and a good way to show off a new hobby. Then you have those other DIY projects that are major fails! Trust me, I have had those a time or two. One DIY project that I have never understood why anyone would attempt to do is Home Security.

I know there are quite a few products and services that say they can provide you simple and easy solutions to home security. Unfortunately, those products and services only provide you home monitoring and not security at all. These products are either plugged in to an outlet or battery-powered and can be easily moved or knocked around. They are Wi-Fi enabled; meaning if the power is out at your home the home monitoring system will not work.

Another problem is the fact that you are the only one to receive alerts. What if you cannot respond to the alerts that are being sent to you, what happens? If someone is truly breaking into your home, the authorities are not alerted. Just you.

Also some products are indoor use only, which means if vandalism occurs outside of your home you will not know who or what did it. To have full security of your home you need the interior and exterior of your home covered. These products down play the value of true security and protection of your home or business.

DIY does mean do it yourself, but do you really want to be figuring out how to set up a whole security system on your own? If you want it done right for the protection of you and your family, do you have the right tools at hand? It doesn't take a brain surgeon to put in a security system, but it does take some knowledge and understanding of the security industry.

Don’t go through the hassle of this DIY project. Let us take care of your needs so you do not have to worry about anything. We will help you in protecting not just your home, but you and your family. We can give you real home security and peace of mind, and we are just a call away!

Vacation Season is HERE!

More Fun, Less Worry! Your Smart Home Has You Covered!


You Go on Vacations, Smart Homes Don't!

One thing we look forward to every year is vacation time! There is so much that needs to be done to prepare for a vacation but protecting your home no longer needs to be one of them! Now connecting to your smarthome while you’re off in paradise can save you money, worries, and stress.

Vacation Mode

All you need to do when you leave the house is lock the doors, set the security alarm, and set the lights to come on at a certain time to deter any suspicious activity. Sounds simple but with all the chaos of getting ready to leave for vacation, things like this can easily slip your mind. Now all of these things can be done with your home automation system with the touch of one button on your way out the door! They can even be done from your phone or tablet from anywhere just incase you do forget. Additionally, there is a great option called "Mockupancy" through Control4 which is a type of “occupancy simulation.” It can keep track of all lighting, blinds, & video entertainment while you’re at home. When you leave the house and put Control4 in “Away” mode, Control4 will replay those behaviors throughout your automated system (using slightly randomized times). To an outside observer, it will look just like you’re home, watching your favorite shows and turning lights on and off at the expected times.

Pet Watch

Left the pup at home? Providing the dog walker with a special code to your door lock will deliver you a notification of when they came in and out, assuring you that your beloved pet is being cared for. You can also check in on your pet from time to time through your cameras and some even let you talk to your pet right from your phone or tablet. 

Flood Damage

Using connected flood sensors with your home automation system, you’ll be able to receive alerts when there is a potential flooding issue – whether the water tank burst or a pipe is leaking.  In addition, you can also have a pre-determined setting so that if water is detected, the shut-off valve will automatically close, saving you and your home from further damage.  When this happens, your system will send you a notification as well.

Temperature Control 

One of the best features of a smart home is the ability to control temperature from a distance.  If you are leaving your pet behind, you can set a certain range for the air conditioning to come on, because no one wants Sparkey to overheat. When the temperature falls to a certain degree, the air conditioning will turn off. Sparky’s comfortable, and no wasted energy means lower energy bills. If it’s a hot day, use the temperature control feature to turn on the A/C before you get home from your trip. Your house will be nice and cool when you arrive! 

Energy Savings

With real-time monitoring, it is possible to look at your processes and see where energy is being used efficiently - or inefficiently - through- out your home or business. Let our control systems optimize energy consumption while maintaining comfort. We work closely with architects and builders, as well, who desire to execute such energy-saving ideas into their projects.


Close your home

Did you have a “Home Alone” moment where you think you left the garage door open? Instead of letting this ruin your trip, know for sure by checking your home automation app. You can see if the garage door is open, and if it is, just close it by selecting the close garage option.

With the ability to control your home from anywhere, you can enjoy your time away knowing exactly what is (or isn’t) happening! Happy Vacationing! 

CALL 865-690-0154 to get your peace of mind before you next vacation!

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The Perfect Security Addition

I don't know about you, but I'm always looking for ways to add more protection to my home. After I came home to an attempted break-in, I decided my alarm system wasn't going to be enough. Better safe than sorry, right? I explored several options, but eventually settled on the 2GIG Image-Sensor. I loved that it had wireless connectivity because seriously, who likes a bunch of wires all over the place? Plus, this bad boy features PIR motion detection that captures pictures in color or with IR illumination night vision so I don't have to worry about missing out on anything late at night.

The 2GIG Image-Sensor is programmed to send captured images straight to your phone or email so I can always stay up-to-date with what's going on. Also, advanced features like configurable PIR sensitivity and pet immunity ensure I don't get snapshots of my cat tearing through the house while I'm at work all day.

If you're like me and need a little extra peace of mind, I would definitely recommend an Image-Sensor. It really is a great little security extra for your home or business. Do any of you already own a 2GIG Image-Sensor?

Spring Cleaning for Your Security System

Spring has sprung and we couldn't be more excited for warmer temperatures and longer days. For many homeowners, the changing season means spring cleaning time. Just like your kitchen and closet could use a good scrub down, your security system could use some attention as well. Here are some tips to keep your system functioning at its best:

  • Do a run through of all the windows and doors. Check the sensors to make sure they are still attached properly and the batteries are still charged. The adhesive on door and window sensors may need some occasional readjusting. Also, check for any rotting or other warping around windows and door frames that could interfere with sensors.

  • If you have surveillance cameras, it's a good idea to clean them of any dust and grime and check for any signs of moisture. Doing so will ensure the clearest picture and an uninterrupted camera feed. Simply use a gentle lens or monitor cleaner and a soft cloth to clear any debris.
  • Inspect the panel for any signs of wear and tear. Make sure all the wires are intact and there are no unknown flashing lights or service lights blinking on the system. When you're inspecting your panel, it may be a good idea to run the system in test mode. This can ensure no false alarms to your monitoring company.

Spring is a great time to check your smoke detectors as well. A smoke detector with a dead battery isn't going to do you much good when you need it most. Also, make sure fire extinguishers are still in working order and there is one located on every floor of your home and definitely in the kitchen.

Checking a security system for minor malfunctions is important to keep things running properly. The best line of defense is to have a qualified tech from your security system company come out and do a thorough inspection. They have the skills to catch something you may have previously missed. Keeping your system clean and healthy will ensure it runs properly for many years to come.

Knoxville Home Security Systems

If you are in the market for a new security system, then we have news for you. With today’s security systems, you can monitor and record activities while at home, in the office, or half-way around the globe. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that your property is being guarded day & night by the most sophisticated of technology. We can route the security system to a central monitoring station or alert you via text message of events that you set. And modern life safety systems can furnish not only property safety, but can provide in-home health monitoring, as well, for our aged loved ones.