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Fire Safety Month

October is here and it's officially Fire Safety Month. Falling temperatures also mean the risk of fire increases so now is the perfect time to safeguard your home against a potentially devastating fire. Don't brush off safety checks that could be lifesaving!

Here are some important tips:

  • Do a thorough walk-through of your home to pin point potential hazards. We recommend using a checklist like this one.  Get the whole family involved and go through the checklist together.

  • Make sure you have at least one smoke detector on every level of your home and that they are all in working order. We recommend detectors that use both ionization and photoelectric technology. Test smoke detectors every month. A smoke detector with dead batteries is just like having no detector at all!
  • Have an escape plan and practice it. Every room should have at least 2 escape routes. Practice your fire escape plan by staying low to the ground with your eyes closed and mouth covered. Make sure young children know to never hide during a fire.

We hope these tips help keep you and your family safe. Don't let fire safety fall off the list of top priorities in your household. Make changes now so you never have to experience a home fire.

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