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Smoke Detector Maintenance: A Must

Lifesaving smoke detectors are only as good as their upkeep.

Every year approximately 20,000 people stand in the ashes of disbelief when a fire happens to them. That staggering number represents people injured by home and business fires. It does not account for the 3,000 individuals whom lose thier lives to fires every year. Adding to the tragedy of it all is that most of us do not take 30 seconds to test our dectors monthly, and yet those 30 seconds are invaluable when fires happens. In half a minute, a room can engulf in flames.

Fires can start at any time. The photo attached to this post --taken by Jennifer Silcox, courtesy of the News Sentinel-- shows a Knoxville apartment fire, likely caused by lightning, just yesterday. As our area continues to be effected by lightning, iSS urges you to check your detectors. If your smoke detectors are not tied into your security security system, make sure your batteries are current. Have you replaced your detectors' 9 volt batteries this year? The U.S. Fire Administration insists that you do.  Are your detectors 8 years or older? The U.S. Fire Administration states to change your detectors every 8 to 10 years, and to include photoelectric and ionization detectors.  

For more important information regarding fire safety, please visit U.S. Fire Administration's webpage.  To find out how you can help community members displaced by this week's fire, please contact the Knoxville Area Red Cross. And as always, please contact us at 865.690.0154 if you have any questions regarding smoke detectors and fire safety.

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