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Vacation Season is HERE!

More Fun, Less Worry! Your Smart Home Has You Covered!


You Go on Vacations, Smart Homes Don't!

One thing we look forward to every year is vacation time! There is so much that needs to be done to prepare for a vacation but protecting your home no longer needs to be one of them! Now connecting to your smarthome while you’re off in paradise can save you money, worries, and stress.

Vacation Mode

All you need to do when you leave the house is lock the doors, set the security alarm, and set the lights to come on at a certain time to deter any suspicious activity. Sounds simple but with all the chaos of getting ready to leave for vacation, things like this can easily slip your mind. Now all of these things can be done with your home automation system with the touch of one button on your way out the door! They can even be done from your phone or tablet from anywhere just incase you do forget. Additionally, there is a great option called "Mockupancy" through Control4 which is a type of “occupancy simulation.” It can keep track of all lighting, blinds, & video entertainment while you’re at home. When you leave the house and put Control4 in “Away” mode, Control4 will replay those behaviors throughout your automated system (using slightly randomized times). To an outside observer, it will look just like you’re home, watching your favorite shows and turning lights on and off at the expected times.

Pet Watch

Left the pup at home? Providing the dog walker with a special code to your door lock will deliver you a notification of when they came in and out, assuring you that your beloved pet is being cared for. You can also check in on your pet from time to time through your cameras and some even let you talk to your pet right from your phone or tablet. 

Flood Damage

Using connected flood sensors with your home automation system, you’ll be able to receive alerts when there is a potential flooding issue – whether the water tank burst or a pipe is leaking.  In addition, you can also have a pre-determined setting so that if water is detected, the shut-off valve will automatically close, saving you and your home from further damage.  When this happens, your system will send you a notification as well.

Temperature Control 

One of the best features of a smart home is the ability to control temperature from a distance.  If you are leaving your pet behind, you can set a certain range for the air conditioning to come on, because no one wants Sparkey to overheat. When the temperature falls to a certain degree, the air conditioning will turn off. Sparky’s comfortable, and no wasted energy means lower energy bills. If it’s a hot day, use the temperature control feature to turn on the A/C before you get home from your trip. Your house will be nice and cool when you arrive! 

Energy Savings

With real-time monitoring, it is possible to look at your processes and see where energy is being used efficiently - or inefficiently - through- out your home or business. Let our control systems optimize energy consumption while maintaining comfort. We work closely with architects and builders, as well, who desire to execute such energy-saving ideas into their projects.


Close your home

Did you have a “Home Alone” moment where you think you left the garage door open? Instead of letting this ruin your trip, know for sure by checking your home automation app. You can see if the garage door is open, and if it is, just close it by selecting the close garage option.

With the ability to control your home from anywhere, you can enjoy your time away knowing exactly what is (or isn’t) happening! Happy Vacationing! 

CALL 865-690-0154 to get your peace of mind before you next vacation!

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