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Articles in Category: Knoxville Home Automation

Projectors vs LED TVs

In the flat screen vs projector showdown, the projector wins with a KNOCKOUT!


Projector or TV? Is it even a Contest?


      When you compare a projector and TV with similar specs, the projector easily provides just as clear and crisp an image as the TV. However, the projector's image will be double or triple the size, making those lifelike colors and sharp details even more noticeable.

Imagine the look on your friends' and neighbors' faces when they see the 120-inch HD display in your Home Theater and learn that it cost half the price of their 60-inch flat screens. They will be drooling with jealousy when you take that same image and move it to another room or even outside. As light as 5 pounds, a home cinema projector is like a movie theater with a handle! 

Projectors and Flat Screens: Pros and Cons

  1. Projectors Pros
  • most projectors can project an HD image up to 300 inches diagonally, or larger, depending on your room size and lighting situation
  • good luck moving that bulky and extremely heavy, yet super fragile, flat screen TV
  • Spend less at the movies - with a home theater projector (and a nice sound system), you can recreate the cinema experience without ever leaving your house. And best of all, your refrigerator won't charge you twenty bucks when you want a soda!
  1. Projector Cons
  • Just make sure to pick one that is bright enough for your environment. Also, check out Screen Innovations Black Diamond screens which allow for lights-on projecting by increasing contrast ratios more than 300%.
  1. Flat Screen Pros
  • Don't have to worry about watching movies with the lights on
  1. Flat Screen Cons             
  • Smaller, more expensive images
  • Nightmare to move. Less Durable.
  • Difficult to appreciate 1080p or 4k content on a smaller screen - unless you're sitting just feet away from the screen

Comparing TVs and Projectors

Here's a quick chart to help you compare the two technologies.

Comparison Projectors Flat Screen Televisions Advantage
As large as 300 inches diagonally. If buyers purchase a screen, they usually opt for a 120-inch model for their home theater. Average screen sizes range from 13 inches to 80 inches diagonally. Projectors are able to create the largest images by far. A projector's screen size is also adjustable and can be changed to fit your environment. Flat screen TVs peak at about 70-80 inches.
Shipping and Transporting Home theater projectors weigh between five and 20 lbs. They can typically be shipped for less than most flat screen TVs. We offer free shipping on all projectors $799 and higher. Due to their fragile nature, flat screens are usually more expensive to ship. TVs in general are much harder to move from room to room. It is usually a two-person operation. Because they are cheaper, easier and safer to transport, projectors are like movie theaters with a handle.
Projectors have lamps that last up to 5,000 hours. They are replaceable and generally cost $199 to $399. TVs have a reported half-life of about 100,000 hours. Half-life is the time it takes the light source to fade to half its original brightness. A projector has a shorter lamp life, but the lamp can be replaced multiple times. Even considering the cost of replacement lamps, projectors are the best value by cost per viewing inch.
3D Call us biased, but 3D on a projector is awesome. Because of their big image, projectors provide a more immersive 3D experience than flat screens. 3D quality is good, but is limited by the size of the screen. Projectors provide the most realistic 3D images thanks to the large image they provide.

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Interactive Demo

Ever wondered what automation can do for your home or business? I know I have wondered how a lighting system could change my space or how whole house audio would be perfect for my next get-together. Sometimes it's hard to envision things if you don't really know that much about them and exactly what they can do. That's why we decided to create a way to help you see what your space could be like with automation.

Meet the interative demo !

virtual demo
Our interactive demo gives you the opportunity to play with all kinds of automation which include music, lighting control, surveillance, temperature, and shade control. We can also bring a laptop version of our interactive demo to you.

Could you see your space upgraded with automation?

iSS, LLC is now proudly offering three different “Connected Home” solutions for Builders and Homeowners


The Secured Home, The Green Home, and The Connected Home are three packages we are introducing to homeowners as well as builders. Each option is designed to each client’s specific needs and budgets.

The Secured Home is a basic and effective security system that can be integrated into future automation packages. This option includes coverage on all doors and windows, 2 keypads, 1 motion, and 1 siren.

The Green Home includes everything that the Secured Home has plus energy management features. The features of this option include additional security notifications utilizing, two wireless lamp modules, and one thermostat.

The Connected Home provides a homeowner everything in the first two solutions as well as additional home automation needs and music solutions. Two rooms with music capabilities, 1 lighting control switch and 2 lighting control dimmers, all powered by Control4.

In 2006, builders scaled back drastically of what they were putting in homes; unfortunately technology was the first thing to go. The last two years we have seen an increase in the technology that builders are including in their projects because homeowners are demanding advanced technology in their day today life. Products powered by Control4 are allowing us to meet these demands. With these options being introduced into the marketplace for homeowners and builders, we are positioned perfectly to help you select the best automation solutions to satisfy your demands.

 If these solutions sound like something you need, please call us at 865-690-0154.


Knoxville Home Automation

Home automation systems are what a security system should be. They offer protection plus additional benefits of remote access, energy management, and lighting control. With your home automation system, you have these benefits and more:

-Check current system and sensor status.

-Arm and disarm the system from anywhere.

-View recent system and sensor activity.

-Customize notification settings and add or delete receipients from your online address book.

-Receive alerts for alarms, power outages/restorals, and more.

-Create customized sensor notificationsbased in the specific non-alarm activity and threat you want to monitor at your property.

-Find out when the system was armed or disarmed, and by whom.

-Receive an arming reminder alert if the system hasn't been armed by the usual time.

Home automation systems work with wireless keypads, keyfobs, panic pendants, door/window sensors, motion detectors, glassbreak sensors, smoke and heat detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, takeover modules, garage door openers, locks, thermostats, some appliances, lamp modules, and lighting.

Find out home a home automation system can change your life for the better. Call iss at 865.690.0154.

Lean, Mean, RTI Machines

2012 Electronic House Product of the Year in Remote Home Monitoring.
2011 CEDIA Manufacturer's Excellence Award for Best New Product.
Custom Retailer's Exc!te Award
What do the above accolades have in common?

iSS has proudly offered RTI for thirteen years. However it takes dilligence to keep up with RTI's award winning technology. That is why the iSS team travelled to Nashville yesterday for advanced control training. iSS VP, Jeremiah Morales says, "Completing this training keeps us on our A game. Whether it is installation or troubleshooting, it is a company’s responsibility to have the know-how and answers."

In a sea of home enhancement products, RTI has been recognized as a leader. “I’m a fan of the RTi Panel because of its flexibility, ease, and industry recognition,” says Joe Campbell, iSS Lead Installer.

The crew got a glimpse at potential upgrades to RTI’s already outstanding line of products. Unfortunately, they have to stay tight-lipped, but the consensus is there is a lot of “neat stuff” in the works. Stay tuned.

Life is Motion!

The Many Advantages of Shade Control:


 Whether you’re planning on making renovations to your home by motorizing your window treatments or if you’re in the process of having a new house built, you might want to know about the many advantages of having motorized window blinds. As you’ll soon see, it is not limited to having control over the lighting in the rooms of your home. It offers you so much more. You might be thinking of this as an added expense. Let us assure you that your motorized blinds will pay for themselves even before the year is up!


Benefits of Motorized Shades:


 SAVE ENERGY: Having a motorized shading system can help to save energy! This in turn can mean some great money savings for you! Different scenarios can in different conditions. “Winter warm” opens the shades, taking advantage of sunlight warming a southern façade. “Summer cool” does the opposite by lowering shades and blocking solar heat gain, thereby reducing your cooling costs. In addition, several shading fabrics are made from sustainable materials for complete environmental and energy savings!

 ELEGANCE & AMBIANCE: We work with Lutron and Somfy because their controls are designed to look  and work beautifully. Stylish  control & fabric options coupled with innovative technology elegantly transition a  space to create the right amount of light for any activity. Fabric, wood, aluminum, PVC or leather…possibilities  are endless when it comes to interior shades and blinds. While creating ambiance and lighting effects, your  window coverings also play a significant role in your comfort and privacy.

 CONVEINIENCE: Managing daylight is not restricted to a single wall station in your home. Shading systems can be controlled using  many different keypads, IR remote controls, wireless tabletop controls, mobile devices like your tablet or cell  phone or set to an astronomic time clock for automatic adjustment of shades. Conveniently close or open all your  blinds or shades at the same time, perfectly positioned and aligned, with a touch of a button. No more cables or  strings that get tangled up! These motors are also ideal for large windows, high-up or hard to reach window  coverings. 

 SAFETY & SECURITY: If your window shades and blinds are closed 24 hours a day for  several days, the house will look vulnerable. Also, you run the risk of coming home to find all your plants  have died from lack of sunlight. Don’t be forced to choose between security and living plants. Use your  home automation system to automatically adjust some of your window coverings throughout the day or  evening to make sure your plants get the sun they need, while making sure the shades and blinds are  closed up at night to keep prying eyes out.

 REDUCE GLARE & PROTECT FURNITURE: The shading systems we offer diffuse light and prevent glare from washing out a computer or  television screen. Shading systems also protect furniture, fine art, rugs, and even wood surfaces,  from the sun’s damaging UV rays. Stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter by using  shading systems to deflect or harness solar heat.


In The Right Light...Everything is Extraordinary! 

Call today to make your home Extraordinary too! 

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Life's Better When Everything Works Together!

All About An Automation Leader: Control4


What is a Smart Home?

While there are many smart products available today, it isn’t until these devices work together in orchestration, that you experience the magic of a smart home. From homes small to large, new and old, Control4 delivers power and performance on one platform that coordinates the technology in your house into complete, brilliant experiences—interactions that fit your lifestyle and are easy for your family to enjoy. With one touch, dim the lights, stream high-resolution music, turn up the heat, lock the doors and arm the security system. Or, check in on your home no matter where you are. It’s a smarter living experience that you’ll wonder how you ever lived without. We call it, the New Normal.




A high-end home theater experience is more than just a nice TV with surround sound. With a home theater system from Control4, you’ll be the envy of every movie theater goer in town. Turn the lights off, turn on the surround sound and start the movie all with the touch of a button.



Forget about ever touching that thermostat again, in fact, forget about the thermostat all together. With our automated climate control, your thermostat is anywhere you are. Curb your monthly bills and ease your eco-conscience. Advanced temperature control is a simple and affordable addition to any home with Control4.



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Media Room vs Home Theater

A Social Experience? Or a Night at the Movies? The choice is Yours!


MEDIA ROOM vs THEATER ROOM... Do you know the difference?

        In comparing a media room to a dedicated home theater, there is one main difference that sets them apart. A Theater room is designed to replicate a cinema experience and that is it, while the flexibility of a media room is more practical for people who want to do more than sit in the dark and watch movies. Simply said... a Media room is used for multiple activities while a Theater room is simply used for one activity.

The term media room has evolved into a generic definition for a multipurpose space. It gives you a more social experience! Friends congregate there to watch the big game. Families go there to watch a movie together. It's party central when guests visit! Things such as bowling alleys, Golf Screens, Pool tables, Movie screens, Bars, etc... have all been used in a media room set up and the possiblities are quite endless!

Media Room: Piano, Theater seating area, Table, Bar, Another TV viewing area, Pool table....

A dedicated home theater is designed to replicate a cinema experience! They usually possess subtle Cinema lighting to preserve the picture quality, and a projector. The next three things are KEY to the success of a home theater room; Screen, Sound & Mood.

When you go to the movie theater, there is a sense of anticipation when the lights go down, there's a lot of magic going on there! Sound is more than half the experience. Many people cut their budget short and focus mostly on the screen, however the best bet is to divide it into three equal parts for the screen, sound and room. A large projection screen or TV is certianly a goal for your theater room but the speakers & sounds are quite important too! No one jumps at a picture of a gun, they jump at the sound!

Setting the mood & comfort level is equally important to the cinema experience too. Lighting scenes, Comfortable seating and an acoustic environment that absorbs sound. Seating is generally arranged in rows, facing forward to replicate a movie theater. This way, everyone fully experiences the impact of the sound and picture. 

Decide whether a media room or home theater format will satisfy your viewing pleasure by taking the quick quiz below.

  • Do you plan to entertain while watching or listening to media?
  • Will you use the media system for purposes other than watching movies (such as gaming or streaming music for a party)?
  • Is flexibility important to you?
  • Do you want to include anything other than a Movie viewing area in this room (such as a bar or pool table)?
If you answered yes to these questions, a media room is the best fit. Call us to learn more! 
  • Do you want to mimic the cinema experience at home?
  • Does your home contain a space that can be dedicated solely to movie-watching?
  • Do you already have a space in your home where family gathers socially to watch television or movies?
If you answered yes to these questions, Call us about home theater installation.
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Pakedge W6 Wireless Access Points

Feeling frustrated with your home or business Wi-Fi system? The Pakedge W6 family offers a variety of advanced wireless products that can deliver the networking solution you’ve been looking for. The W6 wall-mount desktop, W6R rack-mount, W6C in-ceiling/in-wall, and W6O outdoor wireless access points can be mixed and matched to provide endless installation options for any sized network. The W6 family provides long range stability and reliability for smartphones, laptops, tablets, and home control. Regardless of how you choose to use the Pakedge W6 wireless Wi-Fi system, rest assured that you won’t be seeing this anymore…

Find out more about the Pakedge W6 family here and let us get you hooked up with the perfect networking system for your space.

Practical Uses for Home Automation

things you may not realize you can do

Have you ever thought that your own kitchen could alert you if the refrigerator door was left open? Or have your motorized shades or blinds be automated with the seasons? Have movie ambience with one push of a button? There are so many possibilities that home automation systems can do for you, which have not been fully recognized until now!

Imagine for a moment- you’re in your home preparing that delicious meal for the family when gradually your kitchen lights starts to flash. Then they start flashing a little more. Why? Well lighting control and energy management devices can allow you to set a timer and coordinate it with your kitchen lights if ever that refrigerator door has been left open. You will never have to worry about spoiled milk again!

Another cool gadget is a device that can alert you if someone opened the medicine cabinet. I know little hands can be so curious! It doesn’t matter how out of reach or out of sight, children and teens always seem to find things. Now you can receive text messages anytime the door is opened!

 What is cooler than an automated home? An automated home that does not rack up the utility bills to operate it! Many automation system options give you additional features for security, lighting control, and energy management.

For example, you can easily ward off potential dangers by setting an outside speaker to imitate a barking dog and  turn on lights. You can sleep peacefully knowing that you have an added level of protection before an actual break in. These are just some ideas for getting maximum peace of mind from your security system.

Also, additional energy management feature is moisture sensors that knows when it has rained or not, therefore, the system intelligently knows when to water and when not to. That beautiful garden and lawn of yours will always be looking great.

Finally, you may not realize that your home can let you know how it is doing. What if the air conditioning unit decided to break down while taking a hike or vacationing on a sunny beach? If the temperature hits a certain level the system will alert you. These are possibilities that any true automation system make a reality that are often over looked, not by iSS though.

What's Hot for Homes in 2014

With the new year in full swing and winter beginning to melt away (finally), we are getting a better view of the top design trends on the horizon. Let's take a look at the list!

Home Contro
l is everywhere these days. I'm sure you've noticed the recent commercials for automation services big name companies now offer. Automation is quickly becoming a feature that has made its way on many homeowners' wish lists. I mean who wouldn't want to control multiple aspects of their home such as temperature, lighting, and security with the touch of a button? Just be careful if you decide to go with one of the big companies for your automation needs. This new service they are offering means it's new to the company as a whole as well as their technicians. Are you thinking the prices look too irresistible? My advice is if something sounds too good to be true then it probably is. Sure the intro rates may be cheap, but how much does it jump up after that? One of the companies now offering automation doubled my cable and internet bill after the "introductory" period. Yikes!

High Quality Audio Systems are HUGE right now. The big focus is on high resolution audio or HRA for short. HRA basically refers to anything over CD quality. Products like the new Sony 500-gigabyte HAP-S1 high-resolution music system offers audio quality far beyond compressed formats such as MP3. Plus, there has been a huge influx in download services such as Universal Music, Sony Music Entertainment, and HD Tracks. 

Anyone remember the Sonos ad during the Super Bowl this year? Wireless audio solutions are becoming more popular than ever. With systems like Sonos that offer a variety of speakers and subs, users can completely customize their desired sound and easily fill every room with music. Plus, the Sonos app is great for streaming your favorite tunes from Pandora and Spotify.

Cloud Video Surveillance 
is the perfect tool to keep an eye on things while you're away from home. Cloud video surveillance is a great option for homeowners that can't afford on-site recording and storage equipment; however, homeowners should be weary of DIY equipment. Opting for cheaper equipment may mean slower low quality video which isn't what you want if you have any unwelcome visitors on your property. For video surveillance, it's best to trust professional integrators. You'll be able to benefit from professionally hosted services that offer higher quality video, police dispatch, and false alarm reduction.

Automated Door Locks and digital credentials have been on my radar for a while now. Automated door locks are especially handy because of their versatility. I know I hate fumbling for my keys when I arrive home with groceries in tow. Automated door locks can actually be programmed to lock/unlock when your smartphone is in the vicinity. Do you have a housekeeper, babysitter or contractor regularly coming in and out of your home? Automated door locks would be especially perfect for you because they can be programmed to unlock when they arrive and lock up when they leave. My favorite part about automated door locks? Not wondering if I forgot to lock the back door all day while I'm at work because I can keep tabs even when I'm away. 

Which top trend is on your wish list for 2014? We would love to hear from you!

Vacation Season is HERE!

More Fun, Less Worry! Your Smart Home Has You Covered!


You Go on Vacations, Smart Homes Don't!

One thing we look forward to every year is vacation time! There is so much that needs to be done to prepare for a vacation but protecting your home no longer needs to be one of them! Now connecting to your smarthome while you’re off in paradise can save you money, worries, and stress.

Vacation Mode

All you need to do when you leave the house is lock the doors, set the security alarm, and set the lights to come on at a certain time to deter any suspicious activity. Sounds simple but with all the chaos of getting ready to leave for vacation, things like this can easily slip your mind. Now all of these things can be done with your home automation system with the touch of one button on your way out the door! They can even be done from your phone or tablet from anywhere just incase you do forget. Additionally, there is a great option called "Mockupancy" through Control4 which is a type of “occupancy simulation.” It can keep track of all lighting, blinds, & video entertainment while you’re at home. When you leave the house and put Control4 in “Away” mode, Control4 will replay those behaviors throughout your automated system (using slightly randomized times). To an outside observer, it will look just like you’re home, watching your favorite shows and turning lights on and off at the expected times.

Pet Watch

Left the pup at home? Providing the dog walker with a special code to your door lock will deliver you a notification of when they came in and out, assuring you that your beloved pet is being cared for. You can also check in on your pet from time to time through your cameras and some even let you talk to your pet right from your phone or tablet. 

Flood Damage

Using connected flood sensors with your home automation system, you’ll be able to receive alerts when there is a potential flooding issue – whether the water tank burst or a pipe is leaking.  In addition, you can also have a pre-determined setting so that if water is detected, the shut-off valve will automatically close, saving you and your home from further damage.  When this happens, your system will send you a notification as well.

Temperature Control 

One of the best features of a smart home is the ability to control temperature from a distance.  If you are leaving your pet behind, you can set a certain range for the air conditioning to come on, because no one wants Sparkey to overheat. When the temperature falls to a certain degree, the air conditioning will turn off. Sparky’s comfortable, and no wasted energy means lower energy bills. If it’s a hot day, use the temperature control feature to turn on the A/C before you get home from your trip. Your house will be nice and cool when you arrive! 

Energy Savings

With real-time monitoring, it is possible to look at your processes and see where energy is being used efficiently - or inefficiently - through- out your home or business. Let our control systems optimize energy consumption while maintaining comfort. We work closely with architects and builders, as well, who desire to execute such energy-saving ideas into their projects.


Close your home

Did you have a “Home Alone” moment where you think you left the garage door open? Instead of letting this ruin your trip, know for sure by checking your home automation app. You can see if the garage door is open, and if it is, just close it by selecting the close garage option.

With the ability to control your home from anywhere, you can enjoy your time away knowing exactly what is (or isn’t) happening! Happy Vacationing! 

CALL 865-690-0154 to get your peace of mind before you next vacation!

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Welcome To The ISS Blog

Here you will find inspiration and advice for your security and home automation goals. We archive interesting ideas and products that you seek. This blog also serves as a forum for discussion and posing questions to our staff.  Finally, it is written with the intent to enhance your life.

ISS is in the business of enhancing your life. For thirty years, we have provided the East Tennessee area exceptional security, home theater, and more recently, home automation amplifications. We are a family-run company started by company President, Dan Morales. The Morales’ multi-generational dedication to their vocation is responsible for much of ISS’s competitive advantage over other players. We provide a level of expertise that only time can hone.  However, what really makes us stand out is our dedication to enriching lives with our services. Please check back with us weekly as we share insight and industry musings.

Time to Rack It Up!

Lets Learn about Rack Enclosures & Why you need them!


There are many reasons that people use rack enclosures now a days to help tidy up their automated world. While TVs continue to get thinner and more beautiful and soundbars are making surround sound more discreet, the components we connect to them, such as our Blu-ray players, cable boxes, game consoles etc...have largely remained dull black or silver boxes. And there are still all those ugly wires to manage! So now we have these neat and tidy solutions to all these issues, and putting them on display can have lots of great advantages as well! Lets learn more..

What is a Rack?

Racks are frame structures designed for mounting standard 19" rack-mount equipment-servers, routers, UPS systems, switches, audio/video-regardless of vendor. They provide rack equipment organization, security and cable management while enabling airflow. There are two basic types: rack enclosures (also called rack cabinets) and open-frame racks.

Where are Racks used?

  • Server rooms and data centers
  • Audio/video installations
  • Closets housing telecommunications equipment
  • Industrial environments such as a factory floor


Types of racks:

What size rack do you need?


The height of a rack, and the height of equipment in it, is expressed in "rack units" (a rack unit is 1.75 inches, or 44.45mm). The actual height of a 42U rack is therefore 42 x 1.75 = 73.5 inches. A 2U server would occupy two of the available 42 rack units.

Be sure to make an accurate assessment of the amount of rack space you currently need, and allow for future growth.

Rack Depth

Determine the maximum rack depth required to mount your equipment in a floor-standing or wall-mount rack enclosure cabinet.

Floor-Standing Rack Depth Designations
Rack Depth (in.) Ideal for...
Shallow 27 A/V equipment, limited space
Mid-depth 31 Limited space
Standard 37 Servers
Deep 42 Extra cables, improved airflow
Wall-Mount Rack Depth Designations
Rack Depth (in.) Ideal for...
Patch-depth < 16 Patch panels
Switch-depth 16 - 23.99 Switches
UPS-depth 24 - 31.99 UPS systems
Server-depth > 32 Servers


More info on our Rack & Roll Blog last year! Check it out: 

CALL 865-690-0154 to get yours or to learn more!

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Wireless Audio Benefits

Rock till you Drop! Anywhere!


Today, when referring to wireless audio, most are referring to the ability to wirelessly deliver a song or music source from say, you’re iPhone, to the speaker.  Known as ‘streaming music’, this technology is a game changer and is now being done through numerous 'wireless' formats such as; Wi-Fi, mesh-networks, Bluetooth, as well as others. These new technologies are here to stay and have improved dramatically over the last few years.

If you have been waiting to purchase a wireless audio system until the kinks were worked out - now is the moment to embrace it.
Enjoy your tunes while poolside, cooking dinner, or anywhere you want!    

You can finally play your favorite music where you never thought possible! 

Ever dream of coming home after a long day and playing your favorite tunes in the kitchen while you prepared dinner? Or maybe you want to rock out while you work on the yard. Before, these things may not have been possible due to long wire runs, the age of the house, or just the logistics. Today, in mere moments, a wireless speaker can be installed in these locations (remember you still need power!). Pop a powered speaker (with wireless audio abilities) in your kitchen and after syncing it to your phone you’ll have music streaming through it in no time.

You can now afford music throughout your house.

Multi-room audio has notoriously always been sold as four or six room systems minimally. These systems require added planning while a house is being constructed, and are a large upfront investment.  Today's wireless audio systems, from companies like Sonos, allow you to combine speakers wired back to a central location (as in-ceiling or in-wall speakers) with additional stand-alone wireless powered speakers to create an entire home audio system. Bose is also a great option for stand-alone speakers!

The best part is, not only can these systems that are located in different parts of your house play separate things, they can also ‘talk’ and play the same thing everywhere without audio delays. Think holiday party with music filling the home beautifully. If you’re wondering how to control these systems, it is via an app off your smartphone or tablet.

You’ll be able to the play more stations then you ever thought possible

So if you’re craving an affordable audio system that will allow you to install a speaker anywhere and play more music than you ever thought possible, check out the new wireless audio systems of today. 

Currently our Deal of the Week is on the new Bose SoundTouch speakers so...

WATCH VIDEO HERE: Bose SoundTouch Speakers

Call us at 865-690-0154 TODAY to get started!